The Coronation
Our Lady went into a strange country,
Our Lady, for she was ours
And had run on the little hills behind the houses
And pulled small flowers;
But she rose up and went into a strange country
With strange thrones and powers.And there were giants in the land she walked in,
Tall as their toppling towns,
With heads so high in heaven, the constellations
Served them for crowns;
And their feet might have forded like a brook in the abysses
Where Babel drowns.And moving in innocence and in accident,
She turned the face
That none has ever looked on without loving
On the Lords of Space;
And One hailed her with her name in our own country
That is full of grace.Our Lady went into a strange country
And they crowned her for a queen,
For she needed never to be stayed or questioned
But only seen;
And they were broken down under unbearable beauty
As we have been.But ever she walked till away in the last high places
One great light shone
From the pillared throne of the king of all that country
Who sat thereon;
And she cried aloud as she cried under the gibbet
For she saw her Son.Our Lady wears a crown in a strange country,
The crown He gave,
But she has not forgotten to call to her old companions,
To call and crave;
And to hear her calling a man might arise and thunder
On the doors of the grave.
Fifteenth Decade: from St. Louis De Montfort
We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this fifteenth and last decade in honor of the glorious crowning of Thy Blessed Mother in Heaven, and we ask of Thee, through this mystery and through Her intercession, the grace of perseverance and increase of virtue until the very moment of death and after, that the eternal crown that is prepared for us. We ask the same grace for all the just and for all our benefactors.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father, Fatima Prayer…
We beseech Thee, dear lord Jesus, by the fifteen mysteries of Thy life, passion, and death, by Thy glory and by the merits of Thy Blessed Mother, to convert sinners and help the dying, to deliver the Holy Souls from Purgatory and to give us all Thy grace so that we may live well and die well – and please give us the Light of Thy glory later on so that we may see Thee face to face and love Thee for all eternity. Amen. So be it.