Resources & Online Reading
- Msgr. Charles Pope
- Closer to Van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece Restored
- Padre Pio
- The Fathers of the Church
- Summa Theologiae
Books to read Online:
(not a PDF, though not always the friendliest format for reading)
- St. Teresa of Avila: The Way of Perfection (Our Father Reflections)
- St. Teresa of Avila: Interior Castle
- St. Teresa of Avila: The Life of St. Teresa of Avila | Autobiography
- St. Louis de Montfort: The Secret of Mary
- St. Louis de Montfort: The Secret of the Rosary
- St. Thérèse: Story of a Soul
- Saint Augustine: Soliloquies
- Hilaire Belloc: The Great Heresies